MOVE37XR(M37) is unique in the landscape of art-based XR studios through a distinctive combination of elements. We take a holistic approach to immersive art, emphasizing the convergence of art, technology, ecology, and consciousness. At its core is a profound commitment to addressing critical planetary ecological boundaries, making it stand out as an organization committed to fostering transformation based on empathy, peace and collaboration.

  1. Convergence of Disciplines: M37 effectively bridges the worlds of art, technology, ecology, and consciousness. While many XR studios focus primarily on technical issues, MOVE37XR places equal emphasis on artistic innovation, ecological consciousness, and fostering deeper human connections.

  2. Transformative Experiences: Unlike studios that may focus solely on entertainment or technical innovation, M37’s primary goal is to create transformative experiences. Its work goes beyond entertainment to provoke thought, foster empathy, and drive social change toward human and planetary health and wellbeing.

  3. Global Network: M37 leverages a global network of XR studios, artists, engineers, academics, and environmental organizations. This extensive network allows for diverse collaborations, expertise exchange, and a broader impact toward human and planetary health and well-being.

  4. Planet-Centric Mission: M37’s core mission is centered on using art and technology to address planetary boundaries and ecological challenges. 

  5. Emphasis on Heart-Driven Cognitive Shift: M37 places emphasis on fostering insight and empathy through a heart-driven cognitive shift. This unique approach seeks to create a deeper emotional connection with the audience, encouraging empathy and collaboration.

  6. Advocacy and Awareness: While other XR studios may primarily focus on technological innovation or artistic creations, M37 actively engages in advocacy and awareness-building toward planetary health. It participates in XR conferences, exhibitions, and collaborates with environmental and social justice organizations to amplify its impact.

  7. Bioregional Network Development: M37’s commitment to creating a collaborative network of XR studios in bioregions, offering skill development, internships, and educational partnerships, sets it apart as an organization deeply committed to nurturing transformative talent and local ecosystems.